About Me

A few things about me to note, I am a Disney fan, like a lot of you. I grew up just as the Disney Renaissance was hitting the apex. Recently,  about a few years ago to be exact, I started getting fascinated with Disney's past because I found myself out of touch with the present. I think I fell out of love with Disney's current filmography around the time Frozen came out. Don't get me wrong; I don't hate Frozen, hearing Let It Go for the millionth time kinda killed the vibe for me.

Anyways, I started doing research into some videos on YouTube about Disney's history and found myself watching videos by channels such as Yesterworld, Expedition Theme Parks,  Defunctland, and even AniMat. I wondered what else was out there to know, so I started doing my own research. 

The blogs you'll find here will include what's available to the public and maybe a little speculation here and there, but I'll mostly stick to the facts. I'll also try to be as entertaining as I can be, so I apologize if my humor does not land. 

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